Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Wormworld Saga App for iPad launched!

When I prepared the fundraising campaign for the Wormworld Saga App on in March, I really couldn't imagine that it would be possible to raise $12.000 from people that I actually didn't know at all. The overwhelming feedback my work received from the online community fortunately made me give it a try anyway. Although the donations and print orders of the preceding months had surprised the hell out of me, it was the unsuspected outcome of the kickstarter campaign that, for the first time, gave me the impression that I possibly was creating something that could become my actual job in the future.

I've learned a lot in the past six months. I've learned that creating a successful graphic novel doesn't only mean to write and paint. It also means to make plans for the future, communicate with a lot of people and do a lot of work that pops up just everywhere. The development of the app took much longer than I had imagined. There is just so much to take into account when you want to release a running app and there's so much work in the detail. I've REALLY learned a lot.

Now that it's finally done, I have a strong feeling of achievement. The Wormworld Saga App is the kind of thing that I imagined to create. A digital graphic novel that overcomes the limits of traditional book publishing. A hub to connect to just everything around the Wormworld Saga. The app humbly starts with the first chapter in four languages and the first three items inside the artbook and the production notes in English. I hope to be able to provide more languages and completely translated content in the future. It's a matter of budget only. The second chapter will follow at the end of the year and by the end of next year I hope to see the first 6 chapters and a host of artbook items inside the app. Just imagine that!

The Wormworld Saga App is a living thing. Now that it exists I already have the first ideas to extend and improve it. You can expect me to constantly think about stuff that will make the app and the Wormworld Saga in general more and more enjoyable for you. We will frequently update and your feedback is highly appreciated in order to evolve the Wormworld Saga App towards something that hopefully will set standards for graphic novel apps in general.

But for now I want to invite you to explore what's already there. A lot of work and love went into the Wormworld Saga App and I hope that you will enjoy it!

Here's a link to the U.S. App Store but you can easily find the app by searching for "Wormworld" in your local App Store in iTunes:


  1. (please don't hate me for asking this because I have no idea of how much work that would represent)

    Are there any plans for an Android app ?

  2. That's a straight YES! The Android version is a little bit more complicated because of the range of platforms that it has to work on but Robot Media is currently developing the Android version and we hope to be able to launch it very soon. The Android version is very important to me especially since the "Amazon Fire" was announced.

  3. First, congratulations! I cannot wait to see how you continue this facinating story.
    Second, i cannot find this app on the UK app store, will it only be available in the US? ... or should i just be a little more patient. :)

  4. congratulations!!!!!!! :)

    I'm in Malaysia and on the android platform. waiting for it to appear over here. Have asked the hubs to get from the itunes store, hopefully we can access it :)

  5. If the app isn't available in your local App Store yet, you'll only have to wait a few more days. I'm sorry for this inconvenience!

  6. Hi Daniel, there is no sign of the app in the UK store yet!

  7. I just confirmed with the developers that the UK is among the territories that will have to wait for the approved language fix. Unfortunataly, British English is considered to be a different language than Fnglish in iOS. We had to unpublish the app from all countries that don't use English, German, Spanish or French as their standard language. The fixed version should be approved soon and then the app will be available everywhere. Sorry for making you wait!

  8. Wonderful App Daniel! I have to say that there is something magical that happens when reading the story in full screen mode on the App. The way the edges fade to black and the direct touch to the page really works. Congratulations to you and Robot Media on a job well done. I also like the small "game" element involved in unlocking the premium content. Fun! I can't wait for Chapter 2!

  9. Hallo Daniel!

    Klasse App, so macht es gleich noch mehr Spaß, die Saga zu lesen! Klasse auch, dass es im Artbook mehr Blicke hinter die Kulissen gibt. Führ das ruhig fort, denn sowas das ist immer spannend!

    Der Leseeindruck der Saga auf dem Pad ist so filmreif, dass mich das für Comics oder Graphic Novels ungewöhnliche Gefühl beschlich, dass es eigentlich einen Soundtrack braucht! Einen Soundtrack vielleicht, der sich langsam mit dem Durchscrollen der Seite anpasst. Das wäre ein weiteres Alleinstellungsmerkmal für die Saga, das diese tolle Darstellungsform konsequent weiterführt.

    Frühe Computerspiele konnte Musik taktweise neu kombinieren und dynamisch anpassen, sobald sich der Kontext ändert -- und es wäre doch gelacht, wenn Robot Media sowas nicht umsetzen könnte.

    Wenn man sieht, wie Du die App auf die Beine gestellt hast, ist es sicher auch möglich, auch Unterstützung für eine musikalische Untermalung zu finden.

  10. Great App. Downloaded the premium content - its worth every cent. Like the comments, the secret art of-pieces, the sketchbook - everything. good work. and cant wait for chapter 2.

  11. Is it possible to use this on a PC? I don't have an iPad or iPhone.

  12. Yes, in time of apps, the wormwoldsaga app is indeed an exciting thing. What would have been even more exciting, however, would have been the release of the LONG awaited chapter 2 of the saga. Afterall, this project is primarily about the story, right? Though I'm beginning to feel that the story is continually getting second priority...Am I the only one?

  13. Anonymous - he needs to sell the app to get money, so he can afford to make the next chapter full time. Otherwise, he'd just be doing it in his spare time, which would take forever!

  14. You really have to see things in a wider perspective, Anonymous. I NEED the app because I've quit my job 3 months ago. There's no money coming in right now. If I hadn't quit my job you could have expected the next chapter at the end of this year. Now that the app is there, I can work fulltime on chapter 2 and you can expect it - right - at the end of this year. Nothing's lost here and a lot is gained. Because the app exists now, you can expect the third chapter three months after the second chapter and the forth chapter in July 2012. If I hadn't put the work into the app, and would still be working in my job, you would have to wait for chapter 4 until the end of 2014. In the current schedule - enabled through the app mind you - at the end of 2014 you'll be able to read chapter 14 (!). Please don't give me such a hard time. I'm doing all this stuff only to be able to tell you my story within my (and your)lifetime.

    @ Kirsty:

    I'm sorry but this app is for tablet devices. There'll be an Android version soon that will also run on the announced Kindle Fire which will cost only $200. Also, I'm thinking about a web-based premium version but to develop that, again, I would need money. I'll have to tackle these things step by step.

  15. freu mich auf die Android App und kann's kaum erwarten.
